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EuroCham Cambodia Launches New Website for Investment
EuroCham is proud to announce the launch of a new website to promote Cambodia as a destination for investments: investincambodia-eu.org. In this brand-new website, visit...
COVID-19 developments in Indonesia
Foreword This fact sheet, prepared by EKONID, contains information and updates about the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia, as well as the government’s response to t...
Government Support in Response COVID-19
The Indonesian Government has issued several policies in support of the Indonesian people and businesses in an effort to mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19. For a sum...
Simplification of Customs Registration Procedure to Obtain Custom Access
In effort to improve the provisions on customs registration as stipulated under the Regulation of The Minister of Finance No. 179/PMK.04/2016, on December 31, 2019, the Min...
For Indonesia’s renewable energy, Solar PV leads the way
Solar energy is leading the way in the Indonesian government’s effort to make renewable energy fashionable again. Lower prices and a concerted effort from the governm...
“EIBN accomplished a very privileged E-Health Market Study with data collected on the ground and from local players otherwise virtually impossible to o...
Siniša Košcina, CROATIA
“EIBN supported us in bringing our wine to Indonesia by inviting us to one of the most prominent F&B industry events in the country. Thank you EIBN...
Doru Cojocaru, ROMANIA
“EIBN’s programme of company and other site visits was beyond our expectations, considering the relevance of the potential partners we met.&rdquo...
Urska Kupec, SLOVENIA
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