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COVID-19 developments in Indonesia
8 Jun 2020
COVID-19 developments in Indonesia


This fact sheet, prepared by EKONID, contains information and updates about the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia, as well as the government’s response to the pandemic, split into three sections:

  1. General Information
  2. Government Response
  3. Latest Updates

However, this fact sheet is not an official account of the Indonesian government. We encourage our readers to check the official websites of their respective governments for the latest official information.

Stay safe and stay healthy.


  1. General Information

    What is Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

    Find out more here

    How does COVID-19 spread?

    Find out more here

    How many cases have been identified in Indonesia?

    As of June 8, 2020, as many as 32,033 cases have been confirmed as positive for COVID-19. The number of fatalities is 1,883, while the number of recovered patients is 10,904.  

    For an official tally from the Indonesian government-mandated COVID-19 Task Force, click here

    Where are these cases found in Indonesia?

    Confirmed cases have been reported all throughout the archipelago and the number of areas with local transmissions continues to grow. For an interactive map of areas with local transmissions, check here.

    Find the map of local transmissions from the Indonesian Health Ministry here

  2. Government Response

    The Indonesian government has taken numerous measures to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This section contains a consolidated list of the measures that has or will come into effect in the very near future.
  • The COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 7/2020 on the travel of persons in the period of adaptation towards a productive and COVID-19 safe society. The circular aims at anticipating the potential increase in travelling among Indonesians, outlining in broad terms the various obligations individuals are required to have while travelling, as well as the responsibilities of public officials in supervising that the increase in travelling does not result in the further spread of COVID-19. The Circular further amends the COVID-19 Task Force Circular No. 4/2020 and Circular No. 5/2020 on travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic. A copy of the official document here
  • Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan issued Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 51/2020 on the implementation of PSBB in transitioning towards a healthy, safe and productive society. The document details the various regulations in place during the transitional PSBB period, such as allowing businesses to operate with 50% employees presence. This regulation came into effect on June 4. Obtain a copy of the document here
  • In this regard, the Governor also issued Jakarta Governor Decree No. 563/2020 on the execution, phases and implementation of PSBB in transitioning towards a healthy, safe and productive society, which provides further details on the implementation of the transitional PSBB, specifically when certain business sectors can open and in what capacity. Obtain a copy of the document here     
  • The Ministry of Manpower has issued Circular No. M/7/AS.02.02/V/2020 on Ensuring the Sustainability of Business while Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic and Protocols to Prevent COVID-19 Infection in Companies. The circular lays out the various preparations companies shall make in preventing more possible spread of COVID-19. A copy of the official document here
  • The government will hand out a total of Rp 123.01 trillion (US$8.67 billion) in tax incentives for businesses as part of its National Economic Recovery (PEN) program. As quoted from Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, the tax incentives include discounts on income taxes, import taxes for raw materials, as well as early retribution for value-added tax. Official press release here 
  • The total amount of funds earmarked for the government’s economic recovery program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been further increased to Rp 677.2 trillion (US$47.78 billion) from previously Rp 641.7 billion, according to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani. Official press release here 
  • The Ministry of Trade has issued Circular No. 12/2020 on Restoring Trade Activities During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the New Normal. The circular lays out the guidelines and protocols that must be followed by operators of trade hubs such as malls and entertainment centers that are reopening their businesses as part of the government’s New Normal campaign. View a copy of the official document here
  • The Minister of Religious Affairs has issued Circular No. 15/2020 on Guidelines for Organizing Religious Activities in Houses of Worship in Realizing a Productive but COVID-19-safe Society During a Pandemic, which effectively allows houses of worship to reopen if it is deemed safe by its respective head of provincial/regency/city/district COVID-19 Task Force and as long as the houses of worship implement a strict health and hygiene protocol. A copy of the official document here
  • The Minister of Domestic Affairs has issued Decree No. 440-830/2020 on Guidelines for the Arrangements of a Safe and Productive COVID-19 New Normal for Civil Servants. The decree lays out the various requirements and steps government officials must take before reducing the various social and economic activity restrictions that have been put in place since Indonesia started its PSBB program in the effort to mitigate COVID-19. These requirements include having a continuous declining rate of infections and deaths in the last 14 days. The decree also lays out the protocols that should be put in place once social and economic activity restrictions have been lifted. A copy of the decree here
  • The Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Mr. Tjahjo Kumolo has issued Circular No. 57/2020 that extends the Work-From-Home (WFH) period of civil servants to June 4, 2020. Issued and prevailing since May 28, 2020, the circular mentions that the WFH period extension was put in place in consideration of the current effort to arrange a “New Normal” protocol that supports work productivity. Press release here  
  • In the effort to mitigate COVID-19, the COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 5/2020, that amends SE No. 4/2020, on the criteria of persons travelling. The Circular falls in line with an earlier issued Ministry of Health Circular that eases the restrictions on the entry into Indonesia by requiring only a negative rapid test result as opposed to a negative PCR test certificate at the port of entry. This circular came into effect on May 25. A copy of the official document here
  • The Minister of Health has issued Decree No HK.01.07/Menkes/328/2020 on guidelines to Prevent and Mitigate Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in office and industrial workplaces. The decree provides guidelines for companies to follow in the effort to prevent any further spread of COVID-19 in sectors of the economy that would reopen in areas where the PSBB status has been lifted. A copy of the official document here

  • The Ministry also issued Circular No. HK.02.01/Menkes/335/2020 on Protocols to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in the workplace for the services and trade sector (public areas), which lays out the various obligations workers and employers must fulfill while continuing their businesses in areas during and after the PSBB status has been lifted. Download a copy of the official document here 

  • The Ministry of Health has issued Circular No. HK.02.01/Menkes/332/2020 that revokes the previous circular (No. HK.0201/Menkes/313/2020 on Health Protocols for Indonesians or foreign nationals arriving from overseas into areas where PSBB has been declared. The new circular essentially removes the obligation of having a PCR test certificate at the port of entry on the person, requiring travelers only to carry a negative result from a rapid test – which is available at Indonesian port of entries free of charge - as well as a statement of good health from an authorized source. A copy of the official document here

  • The Indonesian government has increased the total earmarked funds to finance the national economic recovery program to Rp 641.17 trillion (US$43.4 billion) from the previously announced Rp 491.5 trillion. The increase is based on the recently issued Government Regulation No. 23/2020, which allows the government to invest money in state-owned enterprises, subsidize bank’s interests, and provide guarantees for new working capital loans, among other financial mechanisms. Official press release here

  • The Ministry of Trade, in its effort to ensure a speedy economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic, has issued Minister of Trade Regulation No. 45/2020 that revokes Minister of Trade Regulation No. 15/2020 on the Provisions for Exporting Forestry Products. The newly issued regulation effectively reinstates a previously issued regulation that obliges the provision of a V-Legal certificate (S-LK) in exporting forestry products. The S-LK is issued through a Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) devised as part of a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between Indonesia and the EU on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT). This regulation was put into force on May 11, 2020. A copy of the official document here

  • In following up the Circular issued by the COVID-19 Task Force that now allow the travel of persons under certain conditions, the Ministry of Transportation has issued a number of circulars that lays out the operational guidelines for these modes of transportation. They can as can be found via these links: 

    • Railways here
    • Land Transport here*
    • Sea Transport here*
    • Air Transport here*

      Additionally, the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform also issued Circular No. 55/2020 on the amendment of Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Circular No. 46/2020 on the Restriction on Travel and/or Homecoming and/or Work Leave for Civil Servants. This latest circular allows civil servants to travel across restricted areas in order to smoothly implement planned government programs of mitigating COVID-19 and in hastening the recovery of the national economy. Find a copy of the official document here   
  • President Joko Widodo has issued Government Regulation No. 23/2020 on the Implementation of National Economic Recovery Program in Supporting the State’s Finances in Mitigating the COVID-19 Pandemic or Other Threats to the National Economy and/or the Financial System Stability and to Safeguard the National Economy. The regulation lays out the paths the government will be taking towards recovering the national economy. These paths include, but are not limited to, placing funds directly in state-owned banks to subsidize loans and investing directly in state-owned companies to increase their capacity. This regulation was put into force on May 11, 2020. A copy of the official document here
  • The Ministry of Manpower has issued Circular No. M/67/HI.00.0-1/V/2020 on the Handout of Holiday Bonus for 2020 During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Circular stipulates that, while Governors should ensure that companies located in their respective provinces pay their employees their legally due annual holiday bonus (Tunjangan Hari Raya or THR), the companies that are unable to do so due to economic disruption, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, may do so by paying the bonus in installments or delay the THR payment to a later date agreed upon between the employees and the employer as an alternative solution. This Circular was issued on May 6, 2020. A copy of the Circular here
  • The Finance Ministry has issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 46/PMK.07/2020 on the Management of Grants from the Central Government to the Regional Government in the Effort to Mitigate the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact, which regulates the provision of grant money to regional administration. The regulation further provides guidelines on how regional governments can request grant money from the Central Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact – with the Ministry of Finance acting as the executing agency of the grants. This regulation was signed into law on May 5, 2020. A copy of the regulation here
  • The Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular No. 4 /2020 on the Criteria of Personal Travel in the Effort to Mitigate COVID-19. The circular specifies the criteria of people allowed to travel between areas where Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) have been implemented to include, among others, those who are providing basic services and essential economic functions, those requiring emergency care or are visiting deceased direct relatives, as well as public officials. This Circular takes effect from May 6 until May 31, 2020, and may be extended as required. A copy of the official document here
  • The Indonesian government has postponed the 2020 regional elections in order to prevent any further spread of COVID-19. Under Presidential Regulation No. 2/2020 on the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors, signed on May 4, 2020, regional elections are to be postponed during times of national disasters and that the 2020 regional elections would be postponed until December, with a potential for further postponement should the national disaster persist. A copy of the official document here
  • The Minister of Health has issued a Decree and a Circular detailing the reimbursement claim process for hospitals treating COVID-19 patient. Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07/Menkes/238/2020 on Technical Guidelines on Reimbursement Claims of Patients with Certain Emerging Infectious Diseases for Hospital that are Providing Health Services for COVID-19 stipulates that reimbursement claims only allowed for Person Under Monitoring (Orang Dalam Pemantauan or ODP) who are above 60 years old or Person Under Supervision (Orang Dalam Pengawasan or PDP), among other provisions. This regulation was enforced on April 6, 2020. A copy of the Decree here

    Meanwhile, Minister of Health Circular No. HK.02.01/Menkes/295/2020 on Reimbursement Claims of Patients with Certain Emerging Infectious Diseases for Hospitals that are Providing Health Services for COVID-19 further lays out a number of points hospitals should take into consideration when processing the reimbursement claims, such as on cases involving co-morbidity. This circular was signed on April 24, 2020. A copy of the circular here   
  • The Minister of Health has approved the implementation of PSBB for the whole of West Java, Indonesia’s most populated province. Minister of Health Decree No.HK.01.07/Menkes/289/2020 stipulates that leaders of West Java, a province with a population of more than 48 million, can now employ the measures outlined in the previously issued Minister of Health Decree on large scale social restrictions. Article here
  • The Ministry of Health issued Circular No. HK.02.01/Menkes/303/2020 on the Provision of Health Services Through the Use of Information and Communication Technology. The Circular outlines the extent to which doctors may use “telemedicine” as a method of providing health services, including but not limited to the culpability of doctors when providing prescription drugs through telemedicine. A copy of the official document here
  • The Ministry of Finance issued Regulation No. 45/PMK.04/2020 on the Submission of Letter of Origin or Invoice Declaration and Supplementing Customs Document for Letters of Origin for the Imposition of Import Duties Based on International Agreements or Treaties During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The regulation outlines a number of changes in the import procedure for imports from countries with which Indonesia has a trade agreement or treaty. A copy of the official document here 
  • The Ministry of Finance has issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 43/PMK.05/2020 on the Mechanism of the Implementation of State Budget on Income and Expenses Borne in Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic, which serves as the underlying regulation in implementing the various tax discounts and exemptions as well as social aid implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This regulation came into force on April 24, 2020. A copy of the official document here
  • The Ministry of Finance also issued Minister of Finance regulation No. 44/PMK.03/2020 on Tax Incentives for Taxpayers Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. This regulation expands the categories of taxpayers eligible for tax discounts and income tax exemptions to include those from, but not limited to, the tourism, logistics and retails sectors. This regulation further annuls Minister of Finance regulation No. 23/PMK/03/2020 which only covered the manufacturing sector. This regulation came into force on April 27, 2020. A copy of the official document here   
  • The State Financial Service Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or OJK) has issued a guideline for the reporting of any restructuring of financing affected by COVID-19. Signed on April 24, No. PENG-1/PB.1/2020 on the Reporting Guidelines for Financial Services Information System (Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan or SLIK) in the event of implementing restructuring due to COVID-19 stipulates that financial services must submit the report before May 4, 2020. Official announcement here
  • In areas where PSBB has been implemented, the Ministry of Industry is obliging companies, that have received dispensation licenses to continue operating, to report the implementation of the regulation stipulated in the dispensation licenses (Izin Operasional dan Mobilitas Kegiatan Industri or IOMKI). Minister of Industry Circular No. 8/2020 lays out the obligation to report, guidelines, as well as the enforceable sanctions for failing to comply. Obtain a copy of the Circular here
  • The Ministry of Transportation has issued Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 25/2020 regulating the use of transport vehicles during the exodus (also known as mudik or pulang kampung, which translates to going home) season that will come in the last weeks of May. This follows the government’s ban on the adherence to the mudik tradition wherein Indonesians would travel to their hometowns in droves. The decision was taken to curb the spread of COVID-19. The regulation stipulates that violators would be turned back and/or fined. The regulation takes effect from April 24 to up to June 1 for travel via aircraft. Official press release here 
  • In order to ensure the availability and affordability of staple goods as well as to ensure the continuity of industrial production in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has signed and released two regulations concerning the establishment and storage of staple and important goods and on the simplification of import processes for these goods. 
  • President Regulation (Perpres) No. 59/2020 amends Perpres No. 71/2015 on the determination and storage of staple and important goods. The Perpres essentially gives ministers greater powers in determining the type of goods that can be considered as staple and important in the effort to ensure the availability and affordability of these goods. A copy of the official document here

On imports, President Jokowi signed President Regulation (Perpres) No. 58/2020 on the structuring and simplification of import licenses. The regulation here focuses on the simplification process of the import of staple goods and important goods. A copy of the official document here

Both regulations are prevailed since April 14, 2020. 

  • The Indonesian Government will officially ban citizens from participating in the exodus tradition celebrated during the Islamic holiday Idul-Fitri. Locally known as “mudik” or “pulang kampung”, which translates to going back home, Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investments, and Ad interim Minister of Transportation, Luhut B. Pandjaitan said the ban would be applied starting April 24 and that the enforcement of sanctions would start on May 7. The ban was decided by President Joko Widodo in a cabinet meeting on April 21. Official press release here
  • The State Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or OJK) has issued five new regulations in enforcing President Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1/2020 issued at the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak. They are as follows: 
    • POJK No. 14/POJK.05/2020 on Countercyclical Policies Against the Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 for non-banking financial services institutions details the granting of financing restructuration for debtors affected by COVID-19. 
    • POJK No. 15/POJK.04/2020 on Shareholders Meeting for Public Companies allows the remote presence and the eligibility of power of attorney during such meetings. 
    • POJK No. 16/POJK.04/2020 on Electronic Shareholders Meeting for Public Companies further regulates remote shareholders meeting. 
    • POJK No. 17/POJK.04/2020 on Material Transaction and Changes in Business Operations expands the definition of material transactions. 
    • Lastly, POJK No.18/POJK.04/2020 on Written Order to Handle Bank Problems gives the OJK power to force banks to consolidate or be taken over in the effort to maintain the nation’s financial system stability. 

      Official release here*
  • The Ministry of Trade has issued Minister of Trade Regulation No. 39/2020 on the third amendment to Minister of Trade Regulation No. 24/2020 on the Provisions and Procedure for Letter of Origins for Goods Originating in Indonesia. The regulation effectively allows such letters to be signed using digital signatures. Copy of official document here
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has decided to postpone the 20th National Sporting Week (Pekan Olahraga Nasional or PON) to October 2021 from the initially planned October 2020, as announced by Sports and Youth Minister Zainuddin Amali. The decision is based on the difficulty of organizing a proper event due to the various restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Official press release here 
  • As a form of Quantitative Easing, Bank Indonesia is now allowed to buy long-term Indonesian Government bonds in the primary market in the effort to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This power is regulated under the Regulation of Members of Board of Governors No. 22/5/PADG/2020 on the Auction of Government Bonds and State Sharia Bonds in Preserving the Sustainability of Managing the Finances of the State. The regulation is an implementation of President Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) No. 1/2020 on safeguarding the nation’s financial system stability that was issued at the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Official press release here   
  • The Ministry of Finance has issued Finance Regulation No. 34/PMK.04/2020 on the facilitation on Customs and/or Excise and tax on the import of goods for the purpose of mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic. The regulation frees all goods that imported for the purpose of mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic from customs and/or excise fees as well as from added-value, luxury and income taxes. Find a copy of the regulation here 
  • The Ministry of Finance has issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 31/PMK.04/2020 on Additional Incentives for Bonded Zone (KB) Companies and/or Companies with Import Facility for Export Purpose (KITE) to Handle the Corona Virus (Covid-19) Disaster. The regulation lays out additional incentives for KB and KITE companies in the form of, but not limited to, allowances to expand production, ease in delivery of the produced goods and tax incentives for the delivery of local raw materials. a copy of the official document here
  • President Joko Widodo has declared the COVID-19 pandemic a National Non-Natural Disaster. The declaration, amongst others, allows the government to invoke certain powers, such as relaxing the ease of entry for international aid, as well as to generate or allocate funds from the state coffers to combat the national disaster. Find a copy of the official document here 
  • Acting Minister of Transportation Luhut B. Pandjaitan has issued an additional implementing regulation to the implementation of PSBB with regard to the transportation of goods and passengers in general, in areas where PSBB is implemented, as well as for the exodus tradition observed during the Islamic holiday of Idul Fitri. Transportation Minister Regulation No. 18/2020 provides further guidelines in regards to taking the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by which transportation providers, such as ride-hailing applications, could adhere to in order to continue carrying passengers. Official Press Release here 
  • The Ministry of Trade is allowing the imports of used and refurbished medical devices, as well as reopening, in strict terms, the export of face masks and other personal protective equipment. Minister of Trade Regulation No. 37/2020, which amends Minister of Trade Regulation No. 118/2018 on the Provisions of Imports on Used and Refurbished Capital Goods, allows the importing of used and refurbished capital goods as long as it is done with the recommendation of the head of the COVID-19 taskforce, and that these capital goods are eligible for special treatment. This regulation has taken effect on April 2, 2020 and will apply until June 30, 2020. Find a copy of the official regulation on importing here

    Meanwhile, Minister of Trade Regulation No. 34/2020 amends Minister of Trade Regulation No. 23/2020 on the temporary ban of exports for antiseptics, raw materials for face masks, personal protective equipment and face masks, effectively allowing the exports of these goods via Ministerial exemptions in coordination with other ministries or non-governmental institutions. Exporters may obtain the exemption by applying to the Director General of Foreign Trade via http://inatrade.kemendag.go.id. This regulation takes effect on March 18 and applies retroactively. Find a copy of the official document on exporting here 
  • On April 11, 2020, registration for the Indonesian government’s pre-employment card program has been officially opened via the official site www.prakerja.go.id. First announced during President Joko Widodo’s re-election campaign, the implementation of the program has been sped up due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants of the program are eligible for training subsidies at a value of Rp 3,550,000 (around US$211).  

    A quota of 164,000 participants has been opened for the first “wave” of registrations. As many as 30 pre-employment registration “waves” have been planned this year with the government allocating Rp 20 trillion to the program. Any Indonesian citizen 18 years old or older, who is not enlisted in any formal education, may apply. Official press release here 
  • On April 7, 2020, Indonesia’s Central Bank BI announced that it has penned a US$60 billion repo facility deal with the Fed to boost dollar liquidity supply, nearly half of the Indonesia’s total foreign reserves. BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said the deal was a vote of confidence in the Indonesian economy and that the country already has such deals with various central banks in the region available to safeguard the nation’s economy, including a bilateral currency swap arrangement with the People’s Bank of China (CNY200 billion) and the Bank of Japan (USD22.76 billion). Official press information here 
  • The Indonesian Government has officially shifted the national holiday season to December 2020 from May 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Joint minister decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs, Minister of Manpower, and Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform No. 391, No. 02, and No. 02 of 2020 on National Holidays and Collective Leave Days amend Joint Minister Decree No. 728, No. 213, and No. 01 of 2019 by giving additional collective leave days at the end of the year. Official Press Release here*

    Find a copy of the official document here
  • Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has issued Jakarta Governor Decree No. 380/2020 on the Enforcement of Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) in the handling of COVID-19 in Jakarta, as well as Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 33/2020 on the Implementation of PSBB in the handling of COVID-19 in Jakarta. Both documents mark the legal start of the PSBB status in Jakarta, which has come into effect on April 10 and will last until April 24.  

    The Jakarta Governor Regulation document describes in further detail the various restrictions placed upon the activities of individuals as well as companies operating in the city, including the ban of online application-based motorcycle taxis from taking passengers. 

    Find a copy of the Jakarta Governor Decree here*

    Find a copy of the Jakarta Governor Regulation here
  • The Ministry of Industry has issued a circular that provides guidelines on how factories should operate during the current COVID-19 pandemic. According to Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, the Circular Letter No. 4/2020 on Factory Operations amidst the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency is aimed at supporting industries in continuing their operations with the established healthcare protocols, which include screening workers by measuring their body temperatures and restricting the number of workers in public facilities such as mosques, canteens and toilets.  

    Official Press Release here*

    Find a copy of the official document, as obtained from the EU Desk at BKPM, here
  • The Head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has issued the Decree of the Head of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) No. 86/2020 on Providing Ease of Business Licensing for Certain Business Fields Related to the Handling of COVID-19. Through this decree, certain business fields, including the medical device industry and the pharmaceutical industry, are given an ease in business licensing in the form of: 
    • reduction and/or facilitation of business licensing requirements; 
    • acceleration on the business licensing process; and 
    • special assistance services. 

      The decree has come into effect since April 1, 2020, and will last until the end of the COVID-19 emergency response status as declared by the Head of National Disaster Management Agency. 

      Read the official document, as obtained from the EU Desk at BKPM, here*  

  • In a press conference, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has declared a citywide status of PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or Large Scale Social Restriction). The declaration followed the approval from Health Minister Terawan Putranto of the city’s administration request for the status, as stipulated in Health Minister Decree HK.01.07/MENKES/239/2020 issued on April 7. 

    According to Mr. Baswedan, the PSBB status will be officially enforced from April 10 to April 24, during which these restrictions are placed: 

    • Gatherings of more than 5 (five) people are forbidden. 

    • Public transportations will only operate from 6am to 6pm.

    • Public transports may only carry half of each of its designated capacity. 

    • The number of public transport vehicles operating daily to be reduced. 

      As for workers, Mr. Baswedan said the PSBB applies to all workplaces except for these 8 (eight) sectors:  
    • Health (hospitals, clinics) 

    • Staple goods 

    • Energy (water, gas, electricity, fuel stations) 

    • Communication (communication services and communication media) 

    • Finance and banking, including the stock market 

    • Logistics / distributor of goods 

    • Retail 

    • Strategic industries located in the capital 

      Mr. Baswedan further announced that the city administration is still deciding on whether to ban online motorcycle taxis from transporting people, and that the city will be assisting the central government in delivering social aid to the city’s poor and most vulnerable starting April 9, Thursday.

      Watch the governor’s press conference here*

      A copy of the Health Minister Decree here

  • The Indonesian government has brought in two RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) extractors as well as 18 PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) detectors in order to speed up the nation’s testing rate for COVID-19 infections. The medical devices will be distributed to the nation’s capital of Jakarta as well as 11 other provinces prioritized for testing. Official press release here
  • Minister of Research and Technology Bambang Brodjonegoro announced that his ministry has established a consortium of research institutions as well as that state-owned and private companies working in the health sector try to develop a vaccine and/or possible treatments for COVID-19. He added that the ministry has allocated Rp 38 billion (US$2.3 million) for the major research portion of the effort. Official press release here
  • In a broadcasted online Press Conference, Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Batubara announced that the government will be distributing direct social aid in the form of staple goods valued at Rp 600,000 (US$37.26 at current exchange rates) per month per family to residents in Jakarta and its greater areas of Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. The social aid will be distributed starting from the final week of April for a period of three months since the start of the distribution. Additionally, in that same period, the Ministry will distribute direct cash aid of Rp 600,000 per month per family to citizens who are not residents of Jakarta and its greater areas. The recipients for the direct cash aid are those registered in the Ministry’s database who are not already recipients of a currently running social aid program. Official press release here*
  • The government of Indonesia has released the revised 2020 state budget to be sent to the Parliament. The piece of legislature, issued as Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah or PP) No. 54/2020 on the Revision of Allocation and Details in the Income and Expenses of the State Budget 2020, shows that state income will only reach Rp 1,760.9 trillion or about 78.9% of the initial target of Rp 2,233.2 trillion in 2020. Meanwhile, government spending will increase to Rp 2,613.8 trillion from the estimated Rp 2,540.4 trillion - a 5.07% deficit. The spending will go to various policies designed to mitigate the economic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as an allocation of Rp 8.6 trillion towards a previously announced 6-month exemption from income taxes for workers with an annual income of up to Rp 200 million in the manufacturing industry sector. 

    A copy of the official document here
  • On April 4, 2020, The Ministry of Health issued Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) No. 9/2020 on Guidelines to Large Scale Social Restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or PSBB) in the effort to mitigate COVID-19. This regulation establishes a team of public officials who are in charge of determining whether a region can or should apply PSBB, as well the criteria that must be met in order to make that determination. The regulation further obliges the Minister of Health to determine the PSBB status at the latest two (2) days since the application for a PSBB status by the regional head. Official press release here*

    A copy of the official document here*   
  • The government has issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 52/2020 on the establishment of an observation and containment facility in the handling of COVID-19 and other emerging infectious cases in Galang Island in the city of Batam, Riau Islands province. The regulation lays out the various Ministries and government institutions responsible for the development and operational aspect of the facility. 

    The facility, which is expected to be operational on April 5, is equipped with 360 isolation beds, 20 ICU beds, and 30 non-ICU beds. The facility will be prioritized for Indonesians who are returning home from overseas who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 infection. President Jokowi said this was particularly important in regards to the expected influx of migrant domestic workers returning home from neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. Official press release here*

    A copy of the official document here*

  • In following up the statements made by President Joko Widodo on March 31, 2020, the government has issued three new official documents in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are:  
    • Presidential Decree No. 11/2020 (Keppres No. 11/2020) on the declaration of National Public Health Emergency Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019), which obliges all relevant authorities to take measures to secure the health of the public in accordance with the existing laws.
    • Government Regulation No. 21/2020 (PP No. 21/2020) on Large Scale Social Restriction in the effort to handle COVID-19 which, among others, provides guidelines on how regional leaders can restrict the social activities as well as the mobility of people and/or goods in their respective regions. 
    • Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1/2020 (Perppu No. 1/2020) on State Finance Policy and Financial System Stability in the handling of COVID-19 and/or in response to dangerous threats to the national economy and/or the stability of the financial system. This regulation lays out the various spending and sources of funds to be used in the battle against COVID-19, including the lifting of the state budget deficit cap of 3%.

      Find a copy of the respective regulations here*
  • In a press conference, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has announced that Indonesia will ban the entry and/or transit of foreigners into Indonesian territory, as stipulated by MInister of Law and Human Rights regulation No. 11/2020 on the Temporary Prohibition of Foreigners from Entering the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia. The ban will come into effect starting April 2, 2020, and will last until the pandemic is over. Article here
  • On March 31, 2020, President Joko Widodo held a press conference before making a televised speech announcing the government's latest actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • That the COVID-19 pandemic is a national public health emergency.
    • That the government will be taking large-scale social restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar or PSBB) policies based on Law. No 6/2018 on health quarantine to combat COVID-19, and that he has signed a Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah or PP) as well a Presidential Decree (Keputusan Presiden or Keppres) to regulate those policies. 
    • That local governments must take actions that are in line with the central government's vision in enforcing the PSPB policy and that the police and other law enforcement agencies can take measurable actions to enforce the PSPB policy.
    • That further expansions of the country's social safety net programs have been made and that these expansions will come into effect starting April 1, 2020. 

      Watch the press conference here*

      Secondly, in a televised speech, President Widodo said he has signed a government regulation in lieu of law (Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang Undang or Perppu) allocating Rp 405.1 trillion (roughly US$ 24.7 billion) out of the state budget to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. As this would push the country's budget deficit past 5% (the legal threshold is 3%), he further asked the Indonesian parliament to relax the budget deficit cap for the next three years until the end of 2022.

      Watch the televised speech here*
  • The Minister of Manpower issued Circular Letter No. M/3/HK.04/III/2020 on Worker/Labor Protection and Business Continuity in the Context of Prevention and Control of COVID-19, appealing to Governors in Indonesia to implement measures to prevent and handle cases related to COVID-19 in the work environment, as well as to protect the wage of workers/laborers affected by COVID-19 in their respective provinces of Indonesia. Copy of official document here*
  • The Coordinating Ministry for Investment and Maritime Affairs brought in 40 tons of medical devices from China to Indonesia. The total aid provided by investors from China consists of test kits, N95 masks, surgical masks, as well as personal protective equipment (PPE). The Ministry is also reportedly coordinating the distribution of lab equipment to speed up the country’s COVID-19 testing efforts. Official press release here
  • Manufacturers, importers and their employees will be exempt from paying their income taxes for the next six months starting from April 1, 2020. This policy, which is stipulated in Finance Minister Regulation No. 23/PMK.03/2020, further specifies the industries that are eligible for the tax exemption. The official press release, as well a copy of the official document here*
  • Indonesia’s financial authority OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) has loosened the provision for credit payment obligations for the banking sector as well as multi finance companies. This OJK regulation No. 11/POJK.03/2020 on national economic stimulus as a counter-cyclical policy against the spread of Coronavirus disease 2019 will be in effect until March 31, 2021. A copy of the regulation here
  • The Defense Ministry brought in more than 8 tons of medical devices from China to Indonesia. The total aid provided by China reached 12 tons, consisting of personal protective equipment (PPE), 7.2 tons of protective clothing, 128 kg of N95 masks, 110 kg of disposable gloves, 700 kg of disposable masks, and 775 kg of goggles. Official press release here
  • The Ministry of Trade has relaxed the importation of medical devices and personal protection equipment via Trade Minister Regulation No. 28/2020, which amends Trade Minister Regulation No. 87 M-DAG/PER/10/2015 on the requirements on importation of certain products. This leeway will be granted until June 30, 2020. Official Press release here*
  • Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Indonesian government announced that the country’s National Exams (Ujian Nasional or UN) this year will be cancelled and has released guidelines on how schools can determine whether a student should be allowed to proceed to his or her next level of education. The official circular from the Ministry of Education and Culture here
  • President Joko Widodo has officially ordered the Ministries and Institutions to allocate budget to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No.4/2020, the ministries, institutions and local governments are now able to refocus their budget towards healthcare, disbursement of social funds and economic stimulus. Official press release here*

    Find the copy of the Presidential Instruction here*
  • Effective from Friday, March 20, 2020, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has banned travelers from entering or transiting in Indonesia who have been in these countries in the last 14 days:
    • Iran
    • Italy
    • Vatican CitySpain
    • France
    • Germany
    • Switzerland
    • United Kingdom

      Moreover, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have also decided to suspend the Visa-Free-Arrival, Visa-on-Arrival and Free Diplomatic /Service Visa policies for one month from the policy’s effective date. This is in addition to the travel ban for travelers from and going to China.

      Official statement, as well as more information here

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Courtesy of EKONID (AHK Indonesien)

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