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EU Desk outreach activities Europe in May 2019
Date : 20 May 2019 - 24 May 2019
Where : Europe
EU Desk outreach activities Europe in May 2019

EU Desk outreach activities Europe focused in Slovakia, Poland and the Netherlands, EU Desk, together with the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), through a series of event named Doing Business in Remarkable Indonesia attracting around 80 companies in total.


On May, 20th the team was in the industrial city of Zilina, Slovakia during the "Doing Business with Indonesia: Opportunity for Slovakian Companies" seminar. The seminar was hosted by Indonesian Embassy for Slovakia, EU Desk, and Slovak Chamber (SPOK), and was opened by the Indonesian Ambassador for Slovakia, H.E. Adlyatwidi Adiwoso Asmady.  EU Desk became speaker alongside Mr. Indra Darmawan - Director of Regional Promotion of BKPM. The event was focusing on waste management and infrastructure development. There were 15 Slovakian companies attending the event. 


On May, 22nd EU Desk was in Warsaw Poland in Polish Trade and Investment Agency (PAIH) office. The seminar was hosted by Polish Trade and Investment Agency (PAIH) and co-organized by Indonesian Embassy for Poland and EU Desk. Speakers were outreach team of EU Desk at BKPM/EIBN, Mr. Indra Darmawan - Director of Regional Promotion (BKPM), Mr. Ikhsan Subekti - Business Development Manager of Mandiri Bank London Branch. The event was opened by Indonesian Ambassador for Poland, H.E. Siti Nugraha Mauludiah. In total, there were 35 Polish companies attending the event. 


On May, 24th the outreach team was in The Hague, Netherlands in the RVO office at Prinses Beatrixiaan, The Hague. The event was hosted by the Netherlands enterprise agency (RVO) and EU Desk, and opened by Mr. Fikry Cassidy, Deputy Chief of Mission of Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Netherlands. Speakers were Mr. Heldy Putera - Director of Infrastructure Planning BKPM; Mr. Ikhsan Subekti - Business Development Manager of Mandiri Bank London Branch; Ms. Linda Reijers - RVO; and a short remarks from Mr. Irwan Prayitno - Governor of West Sumatra Province promoting the province's potentials. There were 26 Dutch participating companies, joined by delegations from South Sulawesi & West Sumatera provinces as well as BKPM representatives. The event was chaired by representative from Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. March Hauwert.


After the seminar in each country, B2B Meetings were organized with interested companies. 

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