The establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 is a major milestone in the regional economic integration agenda in ASEAN, offering opportunities in the form of a huge market of US$2.6 trillion and over 622 million people, including opening opportunities in trade of goods and services as well as investment.
According to the third annual EU-ASEAN Business Sentiment Survey by the EU-ASEAN Business Council, which polled more than 300 executives from European companies around Southeast Asia, European businesses continue to have a very positive outlook in ASEAN region and expect to see ASEAN profits increase. Moreover, according to this report, 94% of European businesses plan to expand or maintain their current levels of operations and headcount in the ASEAN region.
Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam have started embracing free trade in the hope of better integrating themselves into the global economy.
On March 7, EIBN jointly with Eurocham Indonesia organized a seminar to discuss the business opportunities in Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam, and heard from a regional tax advisor on the latest legal and tax trends in these countries. The event was closed with a Q&A session.
The event was held in cooperation with Eurocham Cambodia, Eurocham Myanmar, European Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lao PDR and EU-Vietnam Business Network. The event was supported as well by the Italian Business Association in Indonesia.
Speakers (click here for their profiles)
All presentations are available in here.