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EIBN Company Establishment Info Session
Info Session
Date : 28 Sep 2017 - 28 Sep 2017
Where : Jakarta, Indonesia
EIBN Company Establishment Info Session

EU-Indonesia Business Network (EIBN) organised the info session “Company Establishment in Indonesia” on Thursday, September 28, 2017 at EKONID office. The info session was supported by the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and Lubis Santosa Maramis (LSM) Law Firm.


The session aimed at explaining the different procedures to obtain a legal presence in Indonesia, such as setting up a Foreign Representative Office, setting up a Limited Liability Company, or a Foreign Company (PT PMA).


The session was opened by the EIBN Executive Director, Mr. Martin Krummeck and the session was followed by presentations on:

  1. “Introduction of EU-Desk at BKPM” by Ms. Triesti Prabawati
  2. “Ease of Doing Business” by Mr. Haryo Yudho, representative from BKPM
  3. “Requirements for Setting Up a Business Entity in Indonesia”, by Mr. Teguh Maramis, Senior Partner at Lubis Santosa Maramis  
  4. “Business Entities for Foreign Investors”, by Mrs. Cassandra Stephanie Paulira, Corporate Service Head of Department of EKONID.


All presentations and discussions were welcomed by the participants with high enthusiasm.


This info session was part of the EIBN Info Session series programme exclusively for EU embassies, EU chamber of commerce and industries and EU business support organisations in Indonesia.

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