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EIBN Info Session: Halal Update
Info Session
Date : 11 Apr 2018 - 11 Apr 2018
Where : Jakarta, Indonesia
EIBN Info Session: Halal Update

The EU-Indonesia Business Network (EIBN) organized the info session “Halal Update: Indonesia Streamlining Halal Certification Through New Government Agency” that took place on April 11th at the Mercantile Athletic Club.


In 2014 the Indonesian government issued Law No. 33 of 2014 on Halal Product Assurance (“Halal Law”). The Halal Law requires all “products” that are imported, distributed and traded within Indonesian territory to be halal certified (“Halal Certification Requirement”). The Halal Certification Requirement will only come into effect 5 years after the Halal Law is enacted (ie, 17th October 2019). Prior to that date, halal certification will be complied with by business actors on a ‘voluntary’ basis*.


The Halal Law also requires a Halal Product Assurance Implementing Board (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal or “BPJPH”), which is under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, to be established within three years after 17th October 2014 (ie, 17th October 2017). BPJPH has been officially established under the supervision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs ("MORA"). However, since the Halal Law is not effective yet, the Indonesian Ulema Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia or “MUI”) still holds the authority to handle halal certification in Indonesia*.


The information session was organized with the aim to clarify to business actors the implementation of this law. All the embassies and Chambers of Industry and Commerce from EU member states were invited in support of keeping them up to date for any regulation changes on this matter.

The session was opened by the EIBN Project Manager Ms. Laura Aramo, and the session was followed by presentations by:

1. Welcoming the presence of BPJPH and a new stage on halal certification by Prof. Ir. Sukoso, MSc, Ph.D, Director General of BPJPH (the organizer Agency on Halal Product Assurance of Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia)

2. The Role of Indonesian Ulema Council on Halal Certification Post Issuance of Law No. 33 of 2014 by Ir. Hendra Utama, Head of Public Relation and Institutional Division at LPPOM MUI

3. How to become LPH (Halal examination agency) within the Halal certification process for imported products in Indonesia by Prof. Dr. Amarila Malik MSi, Apt, Head of Laboratory of UI Halal Center at the University of Indonesia

4. Displaying of case studies in the context of Halal Certification Registration in Indonesia by Eka Wahyuni, Advocacy Manager, European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (EuroCham Indonesia)


All presentations and discussions were welcomed by the participants with high enthusiasm.


This info session was part of the EIBN Info Session series programme for EU embassies, chamber of commerce and industries and business support organisations in Indonesia.



Useful Links:

1. The information on the registered Halal agencies in the world

2. Halal issues in Indonesia

3. The unofficial translation for Indonesian and English version of the Indonesian Halal Law no. 33/2014


 *GBG Indonesia, Updates on The Halal Law: Wait & See, 20th November 2017


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