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Event Article.
Circular Economy Mission 2018 to Jakarta
Date : 25 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018
Where : Jakarta, Indonesia
Circular Economy Mission 2018 to Jakarta

The Circular Economy Mission 2018 to Jakarta took place at the Ayana MidPlaza. This two-day event comprised the EU-Indonesia Business Dialogue (EIBD), followed by a day of workshops and meetings between key leaders  and local authorities concerning Circular Economy.  

The EIBD hosted several speeches by business leaders and government officials that were experts on the subject of Circular Economy. With their extensive knowledge, expertise and experience, they addressed the potential of the Circular Economy to business whilst taking care of the world we live in, and continue to live in.

The day after EIBD, the 26th of October 2018, was dedicated to a rountable, workshops and meetings. The roundtable included senior government representatives from relevant ministries who shared their views and led discussions. After the roundtable, the European delegation of companies, which comprised firms that all applied Circular Economy practices in their daily operations, participated in workshops and meetings. We provided them the opportunity to meet with Indonesian counterparts, Indonesian authorities, possible business partners and experts on the subject. Also, they had the opportunity to attend several workshops hosted by the Foundation Holland Circular Hotspot. 

After an intensive first day at EIBD and and a rountable, workshops and meetings on the second day, the Circular Economy Mission 2018 was concluded by a couple of speeches. First, a presentation on chemical management was shared by Mr. Jukka Malm, Deputy Executive Director of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The final speech of the event was given by our keynote speaker, H.E. Karmenu Vella, EU commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. His optimistic words on the future of Circular Economy practices in both the EU and Indonesia let all attendents go home on a positive note. 

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