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Event Article.
EU-ASEAN Business Network Roadshow to Ireland
Date : 31 May 2018 - 31 May 2018
Where : Dublin, Ireland
EU-ASEAN Business Network Roadshow to Ireland

In the series of roadshows in Europe, the EIBN team visited Dublin, Ireland on May 31, 2018. EIBN together with Eurocham Myanmar in cooperation with Dublin Chamber and EEN held a Seminar with Irish companies interested in expanding their business to Indonesia and Myanmar. The theme of the seminar was “Doing Business in Indonesia and Myanmar”. The aim of the information session is to give an outlook regarding the business opportunities for Irish companies and access strategies to tap into the market.



The team delivered a presentation regarding key sector’s of export opportunities for Irish companies such as healthcare, F&B and ICT. By the end of the event, the companies had a chance to have individual business consultations with the EIBN and Eurocham Myanmar team to discuss more about how to enter and figure it out the readiness of the companies to do business in Indonesia and Myanmar

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