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EIBN Info Session: Post Border Policy
Info Session
Date : 17 Jul 2018 - 17 Jul 2018
Where : Jakarta, Indonesia
EIBN Info Session: Post Border Policy

Having taken place on Tuesday, July 17th at Financial Club in Graha CIMB Niaga, EIBN Info Session has focused on the subject of the import procedure for goods in the context of the latest action by the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia due to its post-border-policy. In order to improve the ease of doing business (EODB) ranking in line with the mandate of the XV Economic Policy Package (PKE), the Ministry of Trade has shifted the supervision of restrictions and restrictions (lartas) import from border to post border. This means that with this regulation, the inspection of the fulfillment of import requirements is made after going through the Customs Area. This amendment was made by issuing Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) No.12/2018 that was effective on February 1, 2018.


Therefore, the info session aim to provide an information regarding the mechanisms on importing goods from abroad to Indonesia under the new regulation of pos-border-policy  by bringing together all the official representatives related from EU member states in Indonesia


Thanks to the detailed up-to-date presentation by Mr. Andri of Directorate of Import from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade the guests are enlightened about “Simplification of Bans and Import Restrictions in Indonesia” by shifting import supervision from border to post border. Subsequently, Director General Customs and Excise of Republic of Indonesia brought along the prevailing information on import regulations in connection with such updating.

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