Today, renewable energy accounts for a small but growing portion of Indonesia’s electricity portfolio. The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has announced a medium-term target for increasing the share of renewable energy in total energy mix to 25% by 2025. This means that massive new investment in power generation capacity is being developed using renewable energy. Indonesia is also planning to significantly increase investments in the energy sector including $38billion in the renewable energy sector.
EIBN supported the 1st Renewable Energy for Indonesia 2015 (RE4I 2015). This conference provided a platform for potential investors to understand the key development issues of investing in Indonesia’s renewable energy sector; to get updated on the new market directions, opportunities and economic priorities of the Indonesia’s renewable energy sectors, and at the same time to build potential business networks with the local authorities and industry players.
The Indonesian market for clean technologies offers interesting business opportunities. Indonesia is at the 36th place of the Global Cleantech Innovation Index 2014 (WWF, Cleantech Group). “According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Indonesia beats all other economies in early-stage entrepreneurial activity followed by other emerging markets of Turkey and Brazil (…) Indonesia has the lowest emerging innovation score and is the lowest ranking Asian country in the overall index. The country has the lowest general innovation inputs but has a strong entrepreneurial culture, coming in first for early-stage entrepreneurial activity per GDP”